카테고리 없음

[스크랩] 가장 많이 쓰이는 회화 20 문장

철인16호 2010. 2. 8. 11:31

일상 대화를 분석한 결과 가장 많이 쓰이는

영어회화 문장중 빈출 20 패턴입니다



Do you have the time?

There's a clock on my back.

I am so sorry.

That's OK.

Would you like to eat something?

Yes, I'd like an ice cream.

How much is it?

It's two dollars.

Have you ridden a motorbike?

Yes, I've tried it once.

Could you tell me how to get to the subway station?

You should walk down two blocks.

Let's go home.

Well, I should finish this picture.

Let me help you.

No, thanks. I'll take care of it.

Are you sick? I can call on ambulance.

I don't think I need one.

Is there anything I can helf you with?

Yes, please. I can't walk very well.


이 문형만 외워도 기본 대화에서 반은 커버된 답니다

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